Karen Adams presents artwork to Roger Daltrey of The Who, at BB King’s NYC, Jan 17, 2011

Karen Adams, artist from Atlanta, Georgia, presented The Who’s Roger Daltrey with artwork at B. B. King’s Blues Club in New York City on January 17, 2011. Karen was a participant in David Fishof’s Rock and Roll Fantasy Camps in Los Angeles in 2005 and 2006 where she met and performed with Daltrey. Following the 2005 camp, Karen created a drawing of her Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp band, ‘The Pyschedelic Burrs’. The drawing features Roger Daltrey, David Fishof (founder of Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp), Gary Burr (Nashville songwriter and counselor to the Psychedelic Burrs), Jack Blades of Night Ranger (lead rock camp counselor), as well as Karen and her bandmates: Dan Orias, Kamesh Nagarajan, Jeff Matthews, Fred Dawson, Kevin Osbourne and Jimmy.
The drawing is one from Karen’s Bar Series; she describes her works: ‘There is nothing like people watching and some of the best places for it are bars and dance clubs. I’m intrigued by the guy who maintains a studied expression of coolness in contrast to the girl with the continuous dramatic pose. This series is my vehicle to indulge in caricature of my friends and myself.’
For more information about Rock and Roll Fantasy Camp visit: http://www.rockcamp.com
For more information about B. B. King Blues Club visit: http://www.bbkingblues.com